the legend of

Before the first century BC, there existed a highly advanced utopian civilization surrounded by the ocean. This civilization was composed of lush lands where magnificent cities stood. The roads in these lands ran across fertile valleys where sweet, fresh water flowed, and food was abundant. The people lived in harmony with the land and seas, which were filled with abundant wildlife.

There was a profound understanding that the ocean was the reason the land was habitable. Its mysterious blue waters captured the imagination of poets, painters, musicians, scientists, lovers, philosophers, and writers. All the people revered the ocean, the giver of all life, providing the air they breathed and the water they drank.

But over time, generation after generation lost the respect that was held for the ocean. Some took their utopian world for granted. Some even became greedy and petty. By the second millennium, their numbers had swelled. It wasn’t because they were evil; they got distracted and unmindful, oblivious to the degradation of the beautiful world around them.

While others remained dedicated to stopping the damage and restoring the magnificent natural world, alas, their cries for help for others to join them were muffled by the world’s distractions; there were just not enough of them to make a difference. They watched in horror as the precious ocean and the creatures in it suffered.

Clouds of excess greenhouse gasses heated the world and turned the ocean acidic, killing once beautiful coral reefs. Seagrass meadows, mangrove and kelp forests, and tidal marshes were reduced vastly in size. Once vibrant fisheries were gone, the people that relied on them suffered. The ocean stopped making as much oxygen as it used to, and weather patterns became erratic and violent. Countless fires, droughts, and floods plagued the world. People on land suffered alongside their ocean counterparts. It became clear. Their world was in a climate crisis.

The great irony was that the only thing that could tear down the world were the people that depended on it the most. And the only thing that could save it was if those same people bound together. They decided stronger, louder, more impactful action was needed. They formed the Seaverse to enlist others to join their forces and pledged to once and for all restore this once majestic world.

Take your spot in the Seaverse.



Together we can change the world.
We believe that the power of community is infinite.
As powerful as the ocean

That supplies the entire planet with every drop of fresh water
And the breath of every living thing.
The ocean gives life to our planet.
And is our biggest ally in the fight against the climate crisis.
Which is why we are dedicated to restoring its power.

Together we will protect and harness the power of the
Ocean to save our planet.
Because if we can restore the ocean, we can

Together with our ever-expanding community, we can
Restore the ocean to return it to power
We are the Seaverse
On a mission to save our planet